About us

mypension.ie is a website and app (together referred to in these Terms and Conditions as a “platform”) and host advertiser which, amongst other things, displays pensions. mypension.ie also provides webspace for third parties to compare fund performance for other related financial products and services.

My Pension is a trading name of Cathedral Financial Consultants Limited. Registered In Ireland No. 369995. Registered Office: 16 Roden Place, Dundalk, County Louth, A91 N9CV. Cathedral Financial Consultants Ltd is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland as an Investment Intermediary under the Investment Intermediaries Act 1995, and as an Insurance Intermediary under the European Union (Insurance Distribution) Regulations 2018. You may verify our authorisations by contacting the Central Bank of Ireland on 1890 77 77 77 or by reference to the Central Bank’s registers of Insurance Intermediaries and Investment Intermediaries available on its website. We are subject to the Central Bank‘s Consumer Protection Code 2012, Minimum Competency Code and Fitness & Probity Standards which offer protection to consumers — these Codes can be found on the Central Bank‘s website www.centraIbank.ie.

We provide a service which enables you to display your pensions and offer comparison against other related products and services, as well as product information from the providers on our panel, thus enabling you to see how your pension is performing against similar products on the market. mypension.ie also provides web-space for third parties to compare prices for other related financial products and services.

When it comes to providers we don’t choose favourites. We offer impartial and independent comparison.



We set out below the important points for you to note when using our platform. These summary points are not part of our Terms of Business and are for reference only. Before using our platform, we recommend that you read all of our Terms and Conditions, and our Terms of Business to ensure that you are happy with them. We suggest that you print a copy of these Terms and Conditions and our Terms of Business and keep them in a safe place for future reference.

You must only use the ‘mypension.ie‘ platform for your personal use.

You must provide accurate and complete information when using this platform so that we can provide appropriate comparison data. If you input incomplete or incorrect information whilst using this platform we might not be able to locate your pension(s), or could display information that is not like-for-like.

mypension.ie‘ must only be used by residents of the Republic of Ireland. Nothing in these Terms and Conditions will constitute an offer or promotion for services or products outside of the Republic of Ireland.

All information data and copyright material contained on this platform must not be reproduced or used without our consent.

We provide a pension display and comparison service and where you propose to enter into a separate agreement or policy with a product provider, you should check their terms and conditions to ensure that you are comfortable with them.

These Terms and Conditions set out what you should do if you have a complaint against us or a product provider.

1. General

1.1 These Terms and Conditions apply to your use of this platform.

1.2 By using this platform you agree to these Terms and Conditions. If you do not wish to be bound by these Terms and Conditions you should not use this platform.

1.3 We may change these Terms and Conditions from time to time. We will give you notice of any changes by posting those changes on this platform. We will not vary any terms and conditions which you previously agreed whilst using this platform. However, any amended Terms and Conditions will apply to your use of this platform from the date they are posted and if you do not agree with the amended Terms and Conditions, you are entitled to stop using this platform at that time.

1.4 If you are using our mobile app, there may also be app store terms that apply to your use of the app. You should make sure that you are aware of and comply with those terms. If there is any conflict between the app store terms and these Terms and Conditions, the app store terms will prevail.

2. Definitions

2.1 “you” and “your” means the person who proposes to use or is using this platform.

2.2 “we” “us” and “our” means My Pension, the trading name of Cathedral Financial Consultants Limited. Registered In Ireland No. 369995. Registered Office: 16 Roden Place, Dundalk, County Louth, A91 N9CV, and agents, and any other person or business to whom we may legally transfer our rights under these Terms and Conditions. You are entitled to stop using this platform if we transfer our rights under these Terms and Conditions to a third party. Cathedral Financial Consultants Ltd is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland as an Investment Intermediary.

2.3 “platform” means either the site on the world wide web located at www.mypension.ie or the “My Pension” mobile application or any other mobile application that we provide. The meaning of “platform” in these terms will depend on whether you are using our website or our app.

2.4 “product or service provider” means the manufacturer, supplier, distributor or provider of any service or product advertised on this platform or made available via this platform.

3. Use of this platform

3.1 By using this platform you agree that:

3.1.1 You will not do anything that affects the integrity or security of this platform or causes or may cause harm, damage or unreasonable inconvenience to other users of this platform or us; and

3.1.2 You will not gather, extract, download, reproduce and/or display or advertise on any other platform, other online or off-line service or otherwise, any material on or from this platform, including but not limited to information relating to insurance prices, whether that information has been gained by the use of spiders, data mining, trawling or other ‘screen scraping’ software or system used to extract data.

3.2 If you breach any of the clauses set out at 3.1 above, we may take such action as we deem appropriate, including denying you access to this platform, bringing legal proceedings against you and disclosing such information to appropriate legal and/or regulatory bodies.

4. Republic of Ireland residents only

4.1 This platform is directed only at Republic of Ireland residents and nothing within it or these Terms and Conditions constitutes an offer or promotion of services or products to persons outside the Republic of Ireland. We do not make any warranty or representation that the services we offer are available or appropriate for use by those outside of the Republic of Ireland. Should you choose to use the services we provide outside the Republic of Ireland, you do so at your own risk and it is your responsibility to ensure that you are compliant with any applicable local laws.

5. Your obligations

5.1 You must only use the ‘mypension.ie’ platform for your personal use.

5.2 It is your responsibility to ensure that all information you supply to us or enter onto this platform is complete and accurate, so please double-check your information before submitting it.

5.3 You will need to answer a number of questions in order to compare or obtain a quote for any product or service. These questions are designed to ensure that we and all relevant product or service providers have all of the information necessary to provide you with accurate, appropriate and timely information relating to the products and/or services in which you are interested. Where possible, we will help you complete forms quickly by prepopulating some of our on-line forms with information we already know about you. Where we do this you must check that the information in the form is accurate and up to date.

6. Our service

6.1 The scope of our authorisation covers such products as Insurance Policies, Tracker Bonds, Personal Retirement Savings Accounts, Listed Shares and Bonds, Collective Investments and Deposits. We provide broad based investment advice on a fair and personal analysis basis in relation to:

  • Life Assurance – Level, Convertible & Decreasing Term, Whole of Life
  • Serious Illness Cover
  • Permanent Health Insurance/Income Protection
  • Savings
  • Investments
  • Pensions and PRSA

We place business on your behalf with product providers with which we hold an agency. A full list of agencies held is available on request. We are not ‘tied’ to any institution for any class of insurance business. We do not have a holding, direct or indirect, representing 10 per cent or more of the voting rights or of the capital in any insurance undertaking and likewise no insurer has a such a holding in Cathedral Financial Consultants Ltd. We represent our customers when dealing with insurers.

In relation to non-insurance based investment products, other than bank deposit accounts, we provide advice on a non-independent basis, as we may receive remuneration from the product providers of such products. These products include structured products which may typically be listed bonds and shares, collective instruments, unit trusts and tracker bonds.

The product providers with which we currently hold agencies are: BCP Asset Management DAC, Blackbee Investments Ltd, Cantor Fitzgerald Ireland Ltd, Conexim Advisors Ltd, Custom House Capital Ltd, Harvest Financial Services Ltd, Independent Trustee Company Ltd, J & E Davy, JLT QFM Services Ltd, Wealth Options Ltd. We are also members of Brokers Ireland and Trusted Advisor Group.

7. Validity of pension data

7.1 We do not control how often the pension data is updated from the fund provider. We download and display data daily, but it is the Product and service proders responsibility to ensure this information is updated and accurate on their end. Product and service providers’ prices are updated and amended on a regular basis so your pensions are subject to change in accordance to fund performance.

8. Delivery of pension data

8.1 You should receive the results of our pension data technology online. However, we rely on the availability of third party sites and general performance of the worldwide web. At certain times some or all pension data may not be available to you due to problems with third party websites or the worldwide web. Wherever possible, we will try and notify you of this and email you to let you know when your pension data is ready.

8.2 Whilst we strive to provide as comprehensive and easy to use a service as possible, the requirements for your pension may not be met if such requirements are unusual, “non standard” or “high risk”. If this is the case you should contact a provider directly to discuss your requirements.

8.3 Each product and service provider will have a different approach to the provision of their pension data and may not make pension data available for all of their products. Where you have expressed an interest in a product restricted by a product or service provider, we or the provider may contact you to assist further (provided that we or the provider continue to treat your data as confidential and comply with data protection legislation).

9. Responsibility for content

9.1 We are responsible for ensuring that we accurately reflect product or service data via our technology. We are also responsible for statements of fact made to you by us and protecting your data in accordance with data protection legislation.

9.2 We will use our best endeavours to provide you with a quality service and virus free platform. However, we are not responsible for computer viruses or other computer related problems you suffer as a result of using this platform, which are beyond our reasonable control. We recommend that you use your own appropriate virus checking software.

9.3 We are not responsible for any commentary, opinions, ratings or other postings on this platform by third parties.

9.4 Product or service providers and third party websites are responsible for failings or errors on their websites and may have a separate duty of care to you.

9.5 You may be entitled to rights separate to these Terms and Conditions under Irish consumer law or other legislation.

9.6 We do not prevent or exclude our responsibility to you for death or personal injury resulting from our negligence.

10. Platform Security

10.1 You must not install or use the platform on a jail-broken or rooted device.

10.2 From time to time we may update the platform. You should always use the latest version of the platform to help ensure your account remains secure.

10.3 We may from time to time need to prevent you from using the platform or accessing your account via the platform if you are not using the latest version of the platform.

10.4 You must not share your mypension.ie password or PIN (if applicable) with any third party.

11. Intellectual property

11.1 All information, data and copyright material contained on this platform, including any trade marks (whether officially registered or unregistered), trade names, brands, logos and devices belong to us or to people whom we have given ownership or permission to use such information data and/or copyright material. You must not use such information or copyright material unless you have written permission from us or the owner to do so.

11.2 You may download or copy the content and other downloadable items displayed on this platform for personal non business use only, (i.e. to assist with a purchasing decision), provided that you are not otherwise breaching these Terms and Conditions.

11.3 Apple, the Apple logo and iPhone are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. App store is a service mark of Apple Inc.

12. Privacy policy

12.1 We will comply with all applicable data protection legislation from time to time in force in respect of the personal data we collect from you and will observe the terms of our Privacy Policy.

13. Third party websites

13.1 This platform contains links to websites operated by third parties. The operation and content of those websites are determined by those third parties and will be governed by separate terms and conditions. We do not accept responsibility or liability for the content of any third party website, as this is outside of our control.

13.2 Links are provided for convenience only and inclusion of any links should not be taken to imply endorsement in any way of the site to which it links. 

14. Termination

14.1 We may issue a warning, temporarily suspend, permanently suspend or terminate your right to use this platform if you:

14.1.1 Substantially breach any of these Terms and conditions;

14.1.2 Infringe or violate or attempt to infringe or violate any rights of any other user(s) of this platform and/or third parties in connection with this platform; or

14.1.3 If you are using this platform to commit or attempt to commit a criminal offence.

15. Jurisdiction and Enforceability

15.1 If any provision of these Terms and Conditions are held by a competent authority to be invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions of these Terms and Conditions will not be affected and will remain valid.

15.2 In the event of a dispute in connection with or arising out of these Terms and Conditions, Irish law will apply.

15.3 These Terms and Conditions will only apply as between us and you. Unless as otherwise stated in these Terms and Conditions no other person may benefit or rely upon these Terms and Conditions.

16. Complaints procedure

Service standards

We aim to provide a high standard of service to all our customers. Unfortunately, occasionally things do go wrong. When this happens, we make every effort to settle complaints quickly and fairly.

Whilst we are happy to receive verbal complaints, it would be preferable that any complaints are made in writing. Any complaint made to Cathedral Financial Consultants Ltd is recorded and acknowledged to the complainant in writing within 5 business days. We will provide the complainant with a regular written update on the progress of the investigation of the complaint at intervals of not greater than 20 business days. We will attempt to investigate & resolve a complaint within 40 business days of having received the complaint. Where the 40 business days has elapsed & the complaint has not been resolved, we will inform the complainant of the anticipated timeframe within which we hope to resolve the complaint and of the consumer’s right to refer the matter to the Financial Services and Pensions Ombudsman (FSPO) and provide the consumer with the contact details of such Ombudsman.



Our Authorisations

Cathedral Financial Consultants Ltd and Cathedral Financial Consultants Ltd t/a My Pension is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland as an Investment Intermediary under the Investment Intermediaries Act 1995, and as an Insurance Intermediary under the European Union (Insurance Distribution) Regulations 2018. You may verify our authorisations by contacting the Central Bank of Ireland on 1890 77 77 77 or by reference to the Central Bank’s registers of Insurance Intermediaries and Investment Intermediaries available on its website. We are subject to the Central Bank’s Consumer Protection Code 2012, Minimum Competency Code and Fitness & Probity Standards which offer protection to consumers – these Codes can be found on the Central Bank’s website www.centralbank.ie.


The company trades as Cathedral Financial Consultants Ltd and has offices at:

16 Roden Place


Co Louth

A91 N9CV

Unit 2G, Southgate Shopping Centre


Co Meath

A92 YT2Y

The contact details for the office are:

Phone:        0818 60 65 70

E-mail:        [email protected]

The contact details for the office are:

Phone:        0818 60 65 70

E-mail:        [email protected]


Scope of Services

The scope of our authorisation covers such products as Insurance Policies, Tracker Bonds, Personal Retirement Savings Accounts, Listed Shares and Bonds, Collective Investments and Deposits. We provide broad based investment advice on a fair and personal analysis basis in relation to:


  • Life Assurance – Level, Convertible & Decreasing Term, Whole of Life
  • Serious Illness Cover
  • Permanent Health Insurance/Income Protection
  • Savings
  • Investments
  • Pensions and PRSA


We place business on your behalf with product providers with which we hold an agency. A full list of agencies held is available on request. We are not ‘tied’ to any institution for any class of insurance business. We do not have a holding, direct or indirect, representing 10 per cent or more of the voting rights or of the capital in any insurance undertaking and likewise no insurer has a such a holding in Cathedral Financial Consultants Ltd. We represent our customers when dealing with insurers.


In relation to non-insurance based investment products, other than bank deposit accounts, we provide advice on a non-independent basis, as we may receive remuneration from the product providers of such products. These products include structured products which may typically be listed bonds and shares, collective instruments, unit trusts and tracker bonds.


The product providers with which we currently hold agencies are: BCP Asset Management DAC, Bespoke Investments Ltd, Cantor Fitzgerald Ireland Ltd, Conexim Advisors Ltd, Independent Trustee Company Ltd, J & E Davy, MMPI Limited, Newcourt Retirement Fund Managers Ltd, permanent tsb plc., Quest Retirement Solutions Ltd, Quilter Cheviot Europe Limited, Quintas Wealth Management Limited. We are also members of Brokers Ireland and the Trusted Advisor Group.


We do not offer any opinion or advice (professional or otherwise) on any product provider or products offered by any provider unless Cathedral Financial Consultants Ltd holds any agency to place business with such providers. Should you engage with such providers or invest with them Cathedral Financial Consultants Ltd takes no responsibility for any engagement or the soundness of any investment you may make.


Ongoing Suitability of Investments

We do not conduct periodic suitability assessments of insurance based investment products or financial instruments on an ongoing basis unless otherwise agreed with you in writing.  However, it is in your best interests that you review, on a regular basis, the products which we have arranged for you.  As your circumstances change, your needs will change. You must advise us of those changes and request a review of the relevant policy/product so that we can ensure that you are provided with up to date advice and products best suited to your needs.  Failure to contact us in relation to changes in your circumstances or failure to request a review, may result in you having insufficient insurance cover and/or inappropriate investments.



Cathedral Financial Consultants Ltd is paid a commission by the product provider. We may also receive initial, renewal, indexation, and trail commissions and other payments depending on the volume of business placed with a provider. For certain life assurance policies and PRSA’s, our remuneration is outlined in the quotation provided to you at point of sale and details are included in the policy documentation issued by the provider. Details of remuneration/commissions which we may receive from product providers are available on our website www.cfc.ie and www.mypension.ie.


Cathedral Financial Consultants Ltd may also opt to charge a fee in certain circumstances. Where this applies we will confirm the fee basis in writing to you prior to the provision of a service or completion of any business. Where we receive commissions and charge a fee, commissions receivable will not be offset against any fee due from you unless agreed by us in writing.


All commissions, other remuneration and fees contribute to our overheads in providing a service to you on an ongoing basis.


Conflicts of Interest

It is our policy to avoid any conflict of interest when providing a service to our clients. Should an unavoidable conflict of interest arise, we will advise you in writing of the potential conflict.  At all times Cathedral Financial Consultants Ltd endeavours to act to the best advantage of its customers in recommending the most suitable solution to each individual need.


Legal remedies

Should a customer default on a payment due to Cathedral Financial Consultants Ltd, the legal right of the company to pursue such payment will be exercised. Reimbursement will be sought for all payments made to insurers on behalf of clients where the firm has acted in good faith in renewing a policy of insurance for the client.


Insurers or other providers may withdraw benefits, cover, or impose penalties in the event of default of any payments due under any products arranged for your benefit.  Details of these provisions will be included in your product terms and conditions.


Disclosure of Information

The policyholder is obliged to disclose any and all material facts when the policy is taken out. If any new material facts come to light or there is a change in an existing one, then this event should be reported in a timely fashion. If you are in any doubt as to whether or not a particular event is material, please disclose the information. A material fact is any fact, any previous claims, medical or otherwise, which poses an increase in risk to the underwriter and likely to influence the assessment, acceptance or continuance of your insurance. If you are unsure of what a material fact is please discuss this with us. Please note if you fail to disclose any material facts, this could invalidate your insurance cover, all/or part of the claim may not be paid. In the case of a policy effected by a company then the directors of the company or any persons appointed by them are responsible for disclosing all material facts.



Consumer Insurance Contracts Act 2019

The Consumer Insurance Contracts Act is aimed at enhancing consumer protection. Set out below are some specific points arising from the legislation:


  • The consumer is under a duty to pay their premium within a reasonable time, or otherwise in accordance with the terms of the contract of insurance.
  • A court of competent jurisdiction can reduce the pay-out to the consumer where they are in breach of their duties under the Act, in proportion to the breach involved.

Post-Contract Stage and Claims

  • The consumer must cooperate with the insurer in an investigation of insured events including responding to reasonable requests for information in an honest and reasonably careful manner and must notify the insurer of the occurrence of an insured event in a reasonable time.
  • The consumer must notify the insurer of a claim within a reasonable time, or otherwise in accordance with the terms of the contract of insurance.
  • If the consumer becomes aware after a claim is made of information that would either support or prejudice the claim, they are under a duty to disclose it. (The insurer is under the same duty).
  • If, when making a claim, a consumer provides information that is false or misleading in any material respect (and knows it to be false or misleading or consciously disregards whether it is) the insurer is entitled to refuse to pay and to terminate the contract.
  • Where an insurer becomes aware that a consumer has made a fraudulent claim, they must notify the consumer on paper or on another durable means advising that they are avoiding the contract of insurance. It will be treated as being terminated from the date of the submission of the fraudulent claim. The insurer may refuse all liability in respect of any claim made after the date of the fraudulent act, and the insurer is under no obligation to return any of the premiums paid under the contract.


Some additional provisions of which you should be aware are outlined below:


  • You will be asked specific questions prior to taking out a policy. You are required to answer all questions asked by us, or the insurer, honestly and with reasonable care.
  • An insurer may repudiate liability or limit the claim payment if it establishes that there has been non-disclosure of material information and that the insurer would not have issued a policy or issued a policy on the terms on which it did if that information had been known to the insurer. Likewise, where there has been misrepresentation by a consumer, an insurer may, depending on the type of misrepresentation, reduce the amount of a claim or refuse to pay a claim.
  • A copy of an application form or proposal form, where such is relevant to the particular contract, will be provided to you showing the insurers specific questions and information required for underwriting purposes. You must review the document(s) provided and check that the answers you provided to insurers, or to us when assisting you to complete the application form or proposal form, are accurate. If any information or answer provided is incorrect you must notify us immediately.


Investor Compensation

Cathedral Financial Consultants Ltd is a member of the Investor Compensation Scheme operated by the Investor Compensation Company Ltd (ICCL), set up under the Investor Compensation Act, 1998, which provides certain remedies to eligible clients on default by the firm. The main details of the operation and conditions of the Scheme are as follows:


Compensation may be payable where money or investment instruments owed or belonging to clients and held, or in the case of investment instruments, administered or managed by our firm cannot be returned to those clients for the time being and there is no reasonably foreseeable opportunity of the firm being able to do so.


A right to compensation will arise only:

  • if the client is an eligible investor as defined in the Act;
  • if it transpires that our firm is not in a position to return client money or investment instruments owned / belonging to the clients of the firm; and
  • to the extent that the client’s loss is recognised for the purposes of the Act;


Where an entitlement to compensation is established, the compensation payable will be the lesser of:

  • 90 per cent of the amount of the client’s loss which is recognised for the purposes of the Investor Compensation Act, 1998; OR
  • compensation of up to €20,000


For further information, contact the Investor Compensation Company Ltd at (01) 224 4955.

Your legal rights against the firm are not affected by this scheme.


Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (‘SFDR’)

Sustainable investing is the process of incorporating environmental, social and governance factors into investment decisions. Sustainability is a broad term with many branches. The key legislative background is derived from the EU Taxonomy regulation, the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (‘SFDR’) and the Insurance Distribution Directive (‘IDD’).


The key product providers with which we engage have developed responsible investment as part of their investment philosophies and sustainability policies. These providers are obliged to specify certain classifications of funds identifying whether or not they meet sustainability characteristics. Some funds have very clear sustainability characteristics, with potential Principle Adverse Impacts also identified. However, some funds may not meet the sustainable investing standards for various practical and technical reasons.


We will engage with you to identify your risk attitude towards sustainable investing. We aim to provide you with investments to match your sustainable investment preferences. In some instances we may not be able to identify funds to meet these preferences and we will explain alternative options.


We take due care so that our internal remuneration policy with respect to investment or insurance advice on insurance-based investment products (‘IBIPs’) promotes sound and effective risk management in relation to sustainability risks and does not encourage excessive risk‐taking with respect to sustainability risks


Anti-Money Laundering/Countering the Financing of Terrorism

Our firm reserves the right to request any facts about a client which it reasonably believes it needs to know in order to comply with the Criminal Justice (Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing) Act 2010 (as amended).


Complaint Handling

Whilst we are happy to receive verbal complaints, it would be preferable that any complaints are made in writing. Any complaint made to Cathedral Financial Consultants Ltd is recorded and acknowledged to the complainant in writing within 5 business days. We will provide the complainant with a regular written update on the progress of the investigation of the complaint at intervals of not greater than 20 business days. We will attempt to investigate & resolve a complaint within 40 business days of having received the complaint. Where the 40 business days has elapsed & the complaint has not been resolved, we will inform the complainant of the anticipated timeframe within which we hope to resolve the complaint and of the consumer’s right to refer the matter to the Financial Services and Pensions Ombudsman (FSPO) and provide the consumer with the contact details of such Ombudsman.


Data Protection

We operate to the highest standards of client confidentiality and meet statutory requirements under the Data Protection Acts 1998 to 2018, and the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation effective from 25th May 2018.

Our staff and support service providers will use your personal information to offer advice on suitable products, service your business on an ongoing basis, monitor services for quality control purposes, or as otherwise required by law. For these purposes we may share your contact details and other relevant information with product providers, our support service providers, your accountant/solicitor and/or other professional advisor where applicable, for the purposes of providing you with appropriate advice and services. This would also include providing your advisors with details of products arranged on your behalf.


We would also like to offer you products and services which we think may be of interest to you.  In order to do so, we would like your consent so that we may contact you by letter, email, SMS text, or telephone (mobile and landline). You have the right to ask us not to send marketing information to you at any time.


Full details of our Data Privacy Notice – Customer Summary is available on request or on our website www.cfc.ie.


Client Acknowledgement & Consent

I/We acknowledge and confirm that I/we have been provided with a copy of the Terms of Business of Cathedral Financial Consultants Ltd and that I/we have read through and understand these terms.



Cathedral Financial Consultants Ltd may contact me regarding any products which they think may be of interest to you. This can be via:

  • Email
  • Letter
  • Mobile phone
  • Landline
  • SMS text

These Terms of Business are valid from 1 March 2024 until further notice.

Cathedral Financial Consultants Ltd t/a My Pension is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland. With pension investments, your funds might fluctuate in line with investment market movements.

Client services

0818 60 65 70


Unit 2G, Southgate, Drogheda, Co. Meath, A92 YT2Y

16 Roden Place, Dundalk, County Louth, A91 N9CV

MyPension Logo

© Copyright 2024 Cathedral Financial Consultants Ltd t/a My Pension. Registered in Ireland No: 369995.