MyPension Connect

Phase 1 

Preparing to connect

Complete the expression of interest form below. If you meet the qualifying criteria, an account manager will be assigned and you will receive an application form, along with the governance register and standards.

Expression of interest form.

Company information

What type of business are you?

Contact information


Next steps…

Phase 2

Configure, connect and test

Phase 3


We’ll work with your technology deployment team or partner to provide the required customer data via the MyPension Connect API.

End-to-end user testing – undertake E2E user testing to ensure suitability and compatibility to your interface, whilst confirming the flow of data is maintained.

Begin technical deployment – integrate MyPension Connect and choose a deployment method that meets your business standards.

Go Live with MyPension Connect on your app move code from the test environment to the production environment.

Stay connected – follow the MyPension Connect operational standards and stay connected to the ecosystem.

Next steps…

Phase 2

Configure, connect and test

We’ll work with your technology deployment team or partner to provide the required customer data via the MyPension Connect API.

End-to-end user testing – undertake E2E user testing to ensure suitability and compatibility to your interface, whilst confirming the flow of data is maintained.

Begin technical deployment – integrate MyPension Connect and choose a deployment method that meets your business standards.

Phase 3


Go Live with MyPension Connect on your app move code from the test environment to the production environment.

Stay connected – follow the MyPension Connect operational standards and stay connected to the ecosystem.

Have a question? Call our team 0818 60 65 70

Mon-Fri: 9:30am-5pm

Cathedral Financial Consultants Ltd t/a My Pension is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland. With pension investments, your funds might fluctuate in line with investment market movements.

Client services

0818 60 65 70


Unit 2G, Southgate, Drogheda, Co. Meath, A92 YT2Y

16 Roden Place, Dundalk, County Louth, A91 N9CV

MyPension Logo

© Copyright 2024 Cathedral Financial Consultants Ltd t/a My Pension. Registered in Ireland No: 369995.